The Hat, the Haircut, and the Tattoo: A Decision-Making Framework

Sep 4, 2024



min read

The Hat, the Haircut, and the Tattoo: A Decision-Making Framework

We make countless decisions every day. Some are trivial, while others can have lasting impacts on our lives. Over time, I’ve developed a mental model that helps me categorize decisions and approach them with the right mindset. I call it the “Hat, Haircut, and Tattoo” model.

The Hat Decision Most decisions we make are like choosing a hat. If you don’t like it, you can simply take it off and try another. The cost of a mistake is low, and the consequences are minimal. These are the decisions we shouldn’t stress too much about.

Examples of hat decisions:

  • Trying a new restaurant

  • Picking a movie to watch

  • Choosing an outfit for the day

For these decisions, it’s okay to be spontaneous and experimental. If it doesn’t work out, you can easily switch to something else without much hassle.

The Haircut Decision Some decisions are like getting a haircut. If you don’t like the result, you can fix it, but it won’t be immediate, and you might have to deal with the consequences for a while. These decisions require more thought than hat decisions, but they shouldn’t paralyze us with fear.

Examples of haircut decisions:

  • Changing jobs

  • Moving to a new city

  • Starting a new relationship

When faced with a haircut decision, it’s important to remember that even if things don’t work out perfectly, you’ll eventually move on, and so will everyone else. The temporary discomfort is often worth the potential for growth and new experiences.

The Tattoo Decision A few decisions in life are like getting a tattoo. Once you make them, you have to live with the consequences. Mistakes are often irreversible, and even years later, the decision leaves a mark. These are the choices that require careful consideration and thorough analysis.

Examples of tattoo decisions:

  • Having children

  • Getting married (or divorced)

  • Making major financial investments

When dealing with tattoo decisions, it’s crucial to move slowly and think carefully. Gather information, seek advice from trusted sources, and consider the long-term implications of your choice.

The Power of Perspective

Understanding which category a decision falls into can help us approach it with the right mindset. For hat decisions, we can be bold and experimental. With haircut decisions, we can be cautiously optimistic, knowing that even if things don’t work out, we’ll recover. And for tattoo decisions, we can give them the time and consideration they deserve.

By categorizing our decisions this way, we can avoid overthinking the small stuff and give proper attention to the choices that truly matter. It helps us strike a balance between being decisive and being cautious.

Remember, not every decision needs to be treated like a life-altering choice. Sometimes, it’s just about picking a hat and seeing how it looks. And if it doesn’t suit you? Well, there’s always another hat waiting to be tried on.

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I’m Praneet — a senior product engineer based in Western India

I’m Praneet — a senior product engineer based in Western India

I’m Praneet — a senior product engineer based in Western India